All Brand Vacuums/Vacuums R Us.

Your vacuum central store; providing discount vacuums at a great price.

Having issues with your built in vacuum?

  • Are your lines plugged?
  • Do you have low suction?

We can help resolve these issues, please call or email us and we can book you a service call. 

Pick up & Delivery Available. 

Email Us

Two locations

Southside office:
6607 - 99 Street
Edmonton, Alberta,
T6E 3P7

Phone: 780-433-3700
Tollfree: 1-800-661-4992

Northside office:
12421 - 97 Street
Edmonton, Alberta,
T5G 1Z6

Phone: 780-433-3700
Tollfree: 1-800-661-4992

Shipping mail orders Canada wide.
